Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Dating Game

This whole dating thing is so new to me.  I was in a relationship with my son's father for 6 years (off and on) and after FINALLY deciding to call it quits, I find myself trying to understand the crazy world of dating.  I need a freaking tutorial on how its all supposed to work.  I have people trying to explain "the rules" to me... like having to wait 4.7 days to respond to an email, at least 20-30 minutes to respond to a text message and a day or two to return a phone call; all so that I don't seem too available (even though I am single which means that I am available).  If I'm asked to meet at a coffee shop then that's an "interview" and I'm not allowed to ask a guy out on a date because I need to be the one being chased.  Granted, I guess these are all basic rules that everyone knows & I've even played this game before myself.  However, I'm much older now & while I'm not concerned at all about my biological clock ticking since I've already done my part to populate the Earth once over, I feel that life is short so why waste time playing by the rules of the dating game??!!  If I am digging you & vice versa, its simple... lets talk, get to know one another, hang out or whatever. 

Now don't get it twisted, I'm not trying to sex you or be some type of on call freak (that's not how I roll), take you home to meet the parents, or have my son calling you Daddy (he already has one of those).  I am happily single in that I'd rather be alone than to be in poor company.  Besides that, I'm not going to settle nor am I desperate.  I enjoy my life & know that I am whole & complete all by myself and I definitely don't need a man to validate me.  But if I'm honest, I'm ready to spend time with quality men and in the process hopefully meet the one who God has intended just  for me :)  

That's my 2 cents... for what it's worth...

1 comment:

  1. i just saw this but i like it :) hey... what font is this? i really like it!
