Monday, April 25, 2011


If you are already following me at, you are aware of its content.  This blogspot, however, is intended to be a little more open, a little more "raw", somewhat edgy but tactful and a lot more opinionated as we all know I can be :)  This will give me an opportunity to blog more about real randomness including the challenges & joys of co-parenting, adventures in dating, hilarious & frustrating accounts of my mother living with me for the past 17 months, my failed attempt at vegetarianism not due to any lack of love for veggies but to my inability to successfully give up chicken, my natural hair & weight loss journeys, reviews on books/movies/TV shows/restaurants, my fears & insecurities (yes, we all have them), the delightfulness & deliciousness of my Jayden, and basically me just being a 32 year old woman truly knowing myself, loving myself and living life the only way I know how -- honestly.  Feel free to follow/join and/or visit as frequently as you'd like.  Please remember this very important disclosure:  THIS BLOG CONTAINS MY 2 CENTS MEANING MY OPINION.  IT IS NOT MEANT TO CREATE CONFRONTATION OR DEBATE.  IT IS STRICTLY MY OPINION.  READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!   

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